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- Since April 2023 I am DFG (Eigene Stelle) fellow at the University of Jena.

- Since October 2019 until March 2023  I was a postdoc at the University of Jena.

- Starting from January 2019 until September 2019 I was a postdoc at the University of Tübingen.

   During January - March 2019 I was a visitor in MPI Bonn.

- Starting from October 2017 until December 2018 I was a postdoc at the University of Cologne.

- Starting from April 2016 until September 2017 I was an SNSF (Early Postdoc Mobility) fellow  at the University of Grenoble.

- Starting from April 2012 until March 2016 I was a PhD student at the University of Basel.

Conferences which I co-organise:

Regional Workshop in Algebraic Geometry, University of Jena, March 2023 (co-organized  with R. Púček).

Workshop on Algebraic Transformation Groups, Monte Verità, Switzerland, May 5 to May 8, 2024

(co-organized with J. Blanc and I. van Santen).

Teaching in the winter semester 2022/2023 (at the University of Jena)

Seminar: The geometry of T-varieties

Teaching in the summer semester 2022 (at the University of Jena)

Lecture: Linear Algebra

Teaching in the winter semester 2021/2022 (at the University of Jena)

Exercise classes: Linear Algebra

Teaching in the summer semester 2021 (at the University of Jena)

Lecture: Introduction to Algebraic Geometry

Teaching in the winter semester 2020/2021 (at the University of Jena)

Exercise classes: Linear Algebra

Teaching in the summer semester 2020 (at the University of Jena)

Lecture: Reflection Groups and Invariant Theory

Earlier I thought other courses at the University of Jena, at the university of Tübingen,

at the university of Cologne and at the University of Basel.

Master student 

January-July 2022: Leif Jakob, title: Characterization of smooth Danielewski surfaces by their auto-

morphism groups. Since Fall 2022 L. Jacob is a PhD student under the supervision of Hendrik Süß.


1.  Automorphisms of the Lie algebra of vector fields on affine n-Space (with H. Kraft), J. Eur. Math. Soc, Vol. 19, Issue 5, 2017,

     pp. 1577-1588.

2.  Is the affine space determined by its automorphism group? (with H. Kraft and I. van Santen), Int. Math. Res. Not.,  Vol. 2021,

     Issue 6,  pp. 4280–4300.

3.  Characterizing quasi-affine spherical varieties via the automorphism group (with I. van Santen), Journal de l’École poly-

      technique — Mathématiques, Vol. 8 (2021) pp. 379-414.

4.  Bracket width of simple Lie algebras (with A. Dubouloz and B. Kunyavskii), Doc. Math. 26, 1601-1627 (2021).

     (B. Kunyavskii gave a recorded talk on this research work at the conference "Affine Algebraic Groups, Motives and Co-

     homological Invariants" in Banff.)

5.  On the characterization of Danielewski surfaces by their automorphism group (with A. Liendo and C. Urech), Transform.

     Groups, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2022.

6.  Vector Fields and Automorphism Groups of Danielewski Surfaces (with M. Leuenberger), Int. Math. Res. Not., Vol. 2022, 

      Issue 6, pp. 4720–4752.

7.  Characterisation of  n-dimensional  normal affine SL_n-varieties, Transform. Groups, Vol. 27, pp. 271–293 (2022).

8.  When is the automorphism group of an affine variety nested?  (with A. Perepechko), Transf. Groups, Vol. 28, pp. 401-412 (2023).

     (Sasha gave a recorded talk on an this work at the  conference  Algebraic Geometry - Mariusz Koras in memoriam").

9.  Characterisation of affine surfaces by their automorphism groups (with A. Liendo and C. Urech)  arXiv:1805.03991 

      Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. di Pisa, 2023: VOL. XXIV, ISSUE 1, 249-289,  doi:10.2422/2036-2145.201905_009

     (C. Urech  gave a recorded talk on an this work at the conference "Algebraic Geometry - Mariusz Koras in memoriam").

10. Families of commuting automorphisms, and a characterization of the affine space (with S. Cantat and  J. Xie)  

      American Journal of Mathematics 145, no. 2 (2023): 413-434.

11. Bracket width of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a smooth affine curve (with I. Makedonskyi),

       Journal of Lie Theory 33 (2023), No. 3, 919--923.

12Lie subalgebras of vector fields on affine 2-space and the Jacobian conjecture, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier.

13. Small G-varieties (with H. Kraft and S. Zimmermann), Canad. J.  of Math., doi:10.4153/S0008414X22000682  

       (H. Kraft gave a recorded talk on this work at the "Quadratic forms, Linear algebraic groups and Beyond" Seminar).  

14. Automorphism groups of affine varieties   without non-algebraic elements (with A. Perepechko)  arXiv:2203.08950 

      to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (2024), 2377-2383. DOI:

15. Maximal commutative unipotent subgroups and a characterization of affine spherical varieties (with I. van Santen

       arXiv:2112.04784  to appear in J. Eur. Math. Soc. 

       (I gave a recorded talk on a very early version of this work at the "Seminar on Algebraic Transformation Groups".)

16. On the characterization of affine toric varieties by their automorphism group (with R. Díaz and A. Liendo

        arXiv:2308.08040 to appear in Israel J. Math.


1. Does  Tits alternative hold for the automorphism/birational transformation groups of affine varieties?

2Is it true that the projective space is determined by its group of birational transformations (up to birational

     equivalence) in the category of all irreducible projective varieties?

3.  Describe/characterize all maximal subgroups of the Cremona group that consists of algebraic elements

     (for the automorphism groups of affine (maybe even all algebraic) varieties this problems seems to be

     doable, but there is no tool  at the moment for the groups of birational transformations).

4.  Is there an example of an affine variety  that has a non-discrete group of  automorphisms which does not

      contain an algebraic subgroup of positive dimension?

5.   Is SAut( A^n)  simple? Is Aut(A^n) generated by connected algebraic subgroups?

Useful Links

Semantic Scholar

Google Scholar


Seminars in Jena

Seminar on Algebraic Transformation Groups

Upcoming conferences 

Oberwolfach events

Conferences in Algebraic Geometry

International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine

Problems in affine algebraic geometry (by H.Kraft).

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